2025 is the year to build!
Loving Life Missions is preparing for radical growth this year as we join the Lord of the Harvest in sending laborers into his field. Phase One of this fundraising campaign is $3 million for property and housing for visiting mission teams from the Lower 48 and for Alaska missionaries.
Thank you for partnering with us in the journey and for sharing this campaign with others who desire to sow into the harvest field of the north!
Partner with us to meet these goals!
In the Air
We need aircraft for missionary travel and to bring teams to and from isolated villages. We are praying for regular financial partners to sponsor missionary travel. We also accept donations of aircraft!
We are praying for property in the Mat-Su Valley to offer lodging for teams and missionary refreshment.
On the Ground
Vehicles and RVs for ministry teams and missionary families

Or send checks to:
Loving Life Missions
5688 FM 92 South
Woodville, TX 75979
Thank you for making what we do possible through your support!
All donations and gifts to Loving Life Missions are tax deductible.
EIN: 82-5270562